Sunday, 29 March 2009

Found on FFFFOUND! 29.03.2009

I often end my phone calls with female friends by saying 'I love you, bye!'. Or I will sign off an email with those words. Or I will say it to them when we are hanging out, and just feel like I need to remind them that, well, I love them! And yes, I have said it over bubbles. Many times.

Sometimes my friends say it to me first. Sometimes I say it to them first. Either way, it can make a bad day turn to good.

And yep, I sometimes say it to my male friends. There are some of my good male friends who I can throw my arms around, give them a big hug and tell them I love them without them assuming I now want to mother their children. That's just how we roll. Yet, you can imagine the can of worms it opens up for people who don't understand that that is the sort of friendship I am so lucky to have with these special men. If I am single, they assume I have a rather large and open crush on my friends. If I have a partner at the time, they think I am cheating!

Its funny how many people have described these platonic exchanges as 'a bit weird'. Their reaction doesn't offend me but it does make me chuckle. Boys participating in a bromance can declare their love for each other whilst drunk, yet when I end my [sober] phone conversation with three simple words, I can make people within earshot, uncomfortable?

Similarly, I was once asked if I was a lesbian because I was holding hands with my [female] friend as we walked to the shops to buy some lunch. We were asked this even though the person who posed the question knew that we [at the time] had boyfriends. But then, even if I had a girlfriend or was single, would it really matter anyway?

As many a stoner has once asked: Where IS the love, man?

Check out this blog for other inspirational words.

C x

Friday, 27 March 2009

She Likes: Big & Bold

I appreciate good architecture and interior design. My very first project in my first semester of Graphics was to design my dream home. Man, I put so much time into that assignment, and it paid off, with my teacher thus pushing me to pursue a creative field after high school.

I never became an architect [the idea that I had to study Physics really put me off at the time, I now regret that as it would have been an interesting subject to learn], but every now and then I declare I am going to become an Interior Designer. I'll then look up the courses on the web, prepare my folio and never submit my application when its due, mostly because I have by then announced I am going to become a Fashion Designer, Magazine Publisher, Lawyer or Astronaut.

I change my mind a lot.

Back on topic. Almost everyday I drive past a bunch of offices that have warehouses attached to them. Industrial areas like this are not normally of an interest to me, but what strikes me about these offices is the way their street number has been boldly rendered in bright colours on the warehouse doors. What a way to brighten up what could have been a grey place to work!

I liked them so much I just had to pull over and take a picture of them.

I'm predicting a Jeffrey Smart-esque painting in my near future...

C x

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The Best, Take II

I had a small rant the other day. Then I stumbled upon this picture. They marry quite well, ey?

Pun intended.

C x

Peppermint Magazine

I've always dreamed of having my own magazine. When I was little girl I used to walk around with a pen and notepad, pretending to be a journalist. Funnily enough, I ended up working at Fairfax for 5 years. In editorial. Ha!

Anyhoo, I've left Magazine Land now and spend my time flipping through beautiful magazines of others, wondering why I never started my own. Perhaps I still will. One day. If I do, please pick up a copy when it hits the newstands.

In the meantime, I suggest you take a look at this new made-from-100 %-recycled-paper, treat.

Its mint! Literally.

Peppermint Magazine

C x

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Franz, my long lost l♥ver

How could anyone not like Franz Ferdinand?
Do yourself a favour; download their latest album.

C x

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Home Is...Maddison

C x


Real guys go for real down to Mars girls.

I had forgotten how much I love this film clip. How great is the guy eating the chips for the entire song?

C x

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Happily Ever After?

Amongst my friends, of both the female and male variety, there has been a lot of discussion about love lately. Yep, the stuff that makes you feel all fuzzy inside.

The questions being asked in these discussions are:

1. When am I going to find the right one?
2. How many more awful dates do I have to go on?
3. Am I being too picky? Should I just settle?
4. What type of person is The Best person for me?

One of my many mantras is to stop asking questions and just live. I've always believed that Love comes into your life when you least expect it. It might come frequently. It might come not so frequently. But stop taking the fun out of it by constantly peeking around each corner hoping to catch it before it catches you.

Because one day: whoop whoop! The Best turns up in your life.

The Best is not necessarily The Perfect. The Best might slurp their noodles or laugh too loudly at their own jokes. The Best might even be a really bad dancer. [I think I do all of these things!] Not every one of your friends might like The Best, but as long as they make you happy then no-one else really matters. The Best might have been under your nose the whole time? Or The Best might be the type of person you don't normally notice in bars/clubs/events/walking past you on the street, until now.

There are so many Bests walking this planet that surely some of the right matches will bump heads sooner or later. In the meantime; the journey should be treated as it is, just a whole lot of fun.

Above is a photo of my Mum and Dad on their wedding day. Aww. End rant.

C x

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Kate Moss

Favourite pic of my favourite model.

C x

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Yep, I am still collecting my birdie cards. Above are three of my latest acquisitions.

C x

My Album Cover

Ok, so I am being completely lazy and trying to pass off some stuff I have done in tags on Facebook as 'new blog posts'. Before you judge me, I've been very busy, capiche?

So I made my album cover today. What a cack! Here is how the game is played:

Instructions for making your own album cover:

1. To get YOUR BAND NAME -
click -
The first Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

click -
The last 4 or 5 words of the last quote on the page is your album title.

click -
3rd picture will be your album cover.

4. Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together. Lay it out however you want. Only rule is the Title, Image and Name are all you can use.

And above, my friends, is my album cover.

C x

Monday, 2 March 2009

25 Random Things...

...about me. You have seen it on Facebook, no doubt. Here are my responses.

1. If I find myself stranded on a desert island with a timeless supply of Shiraz, dark chocolate, olives & cheese, I will not be sending out an SOS.

2. I’ve been told I am the ‘worst coffee maker in the world’. Luckily, I never planned on forging a career as a barista.

3. I am very clumsy.

4. I have two favourite anecdotes to share with new people I meet; one is that my Mum found out she was having twins 24 hours before giving birth, the other is that my Dad was head butted by my oldest sister’s horse and that’s why I was never allowed to have one.

5. I know all the songs I would sing if I was a contestant on Australian Idol.

6. My first performance review at Fairfax had ‘highly opinionated’ written in bold on it.

7. I studied karate for a few years.

8. Dwight K Schrute makes me laugh so hard I can barely breathe.

9. I lived in a 17th floor Southbank apartment for 2 years. I only stepped out onto the balcony a handful of times because I am scared of heights.

10. I eat pasta every Tuesday night at the same place at the same time with the same people.

11. My Mum, Dad and sisters are very neat people. I am very messy.

12. Hairdressers & doctors make me nervous. Coincidentally, I have dated both.

13. Some of my best work is a mistake.

14. Gossip Girl is my shameful addiction.

15. I was a blonde for 6 months in 2002.

16. In my lifetime I have broken 4 mobile phones. I have lost approximately 7 mobile phones.

17. Sometimes I like animals more than I like people.

18. I’m pretty confident that peanut butter is God’s way of telling me he loves me.

19. My girl crush is Zooey Deschanel.

20. My boy crush is the Mac guy.

21. Green is my favourite colour.

22. I think the dessert world has been flooded with cupcakes. I am so over cupcakes.

23. I have never broken a bone. Despite #3.

24. Romance makes me feel uncomfortable.

25. When I was a little girl I used to lie under my Dad's car and play 'Mechanics'.

C x