Tuesday, 6 January 2009

I'm Back!

My small hiatus is over. Blogging will return to normal, but with a small change. I am going to try and post more about moi: my art, my fashion, my adventures, my family & friends, my career direction and progress on some changes I plan to make to my life this year.

This self portrait was taken from the balcony of my room at the Crowne Plaza in Surfers Paradise. I fell in love this summer...with the Gold Coast. More on that later. Take note of the sunburn on my nose and arms as well as the blurriness of the photo. Slip, slop & slap my friends, because as this image shows; dehydration plus excitement plus too many champagnes equals death to ones photography skills. And this is actually one of the very few photos of me on my holiday! Doh.

C x

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