Friday, 5 December 2008

Australia: The Movie

So, I spent my Friday night at the movies. It's been a while since I have gone to a cinema and I realised how much I miss doing that on a regular basis.

Anyhoo, I saw Baz Lurhmann's 'Australia'. I don't know what the critics are talking about, the movie is BRILLIANT. I'm not going to give away too much in case you have not yet seen it, but here are my thoughts on the film.

Nicole Kidman plays her uptight character to a tee. She is hilarious. Remember Kidman as the snobby Satine in Moulin Rouge? If you found her funny then you are going to find Lady Sarah Ashley just as amusing. And you're meant to. You will also fall in love with this character.

Hugh Jackman is, of course, great. But I'm biaised, because I think I am in love with Hugh Jackman.

Once again Catherine Martin has outdone herself with the art direction. The way they have portrayed the Northern Territory inspires you to book a flight there straight away.

The discussion of the Stolen Generation has been done respectfully, but this movie is a great way to highlight Australia's not-so-pretty human rights record to the rest of the world. A big kudos, however, for mentioning Rudd's apology this year in the opening titles.

There have been complaints in the papers about there being too many stories in the film. I must have missed something because I believe I watched only one story. If Lurhmann had of just told one part of it I believe you would walk away from the screening feeling disappointed.

I'm a big sook. There's no denying it. So naturally I found the love story, the relationship between the Indigenous and the Europeans & the bombing of Darwin by the Japanese, all very emotional. I had a big lump in my throat throughout the entire movie, thank goodness for Jumbo Sized Diet Cokes!

My score? 9/10.

C x

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