Thursday, 13 November 2008

Barack Obama

So it has been a while since the news was announced and some people have been surprised at how little I have said about the US election. I have found myself being the true sook I am whenever I have watched any coverage of the post-election on TV. One clip that stood out for me was of a lady in New York on her mobile phone overwhelmed and in tears to her friend on the other end, saying she had just seen Barack Obama. I started to feel the lump in my throat and the tears welling in my eyes, and I was halfway across the globe!

I am genuinely overjoyed for the Americans. Hope is something I have always had in my life, so words cannot describe how happy it makes me that this incredible man has returned that to people who were starting to think there was no more hope. In one act of [almost] unison, the Americans have moved in leaps and bounds to remedy a trashed reputation.

Something I kept repeating to my parents during dinner table discussions in the lead up to election day was, 'doesn't he look REAL?'. He is 'real' but he also looks like a President. He commands the respect of a President but at the same time he shows respect for the common man. And damn, although it will be a [very] tough job, I think he is going to be a great President. I'm a teensy bit jealous he isn't my President.

C x

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