Wednesday, 22 October 2008

To delete, or not delete

It is funny how my mind works. I often throw clothes out thinking I will never wear them again, then two months later fall in a tearful heap on my bedroom floor wondering where the hell all my clothes are. I blame the washing machine for eating them, I will blame friends for borrowing them. I will blame the removalists for losing a whole bag of clothes in my last move. And then it will hit me, you threw them out, fool.

I'm a bit the same with my photos & drawings. I will send them on their way to the tip or recycling plant, and then later when I decide I am going to use them in my folio, I ask 'and whereabouts did I put them again? Oh, the bin. Crap!'

Regardless of my level of satisfaction with a drawing, photo or painting, it is all part of my ongoing development as an 'artist'. So:

Must. Not. Delete/Throw Out. Anything.

This little pic nearly ended up in the electronic Recycle Bin, but I saved it in its 11th hour.

C x

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